Springshed / Land Use-Land Cover Map

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection Land Use – Land Cover data classification types are originally taken from Florida Department of Transportation's "Florida land use, cover and forms classification system (FLUCCS)." The FLUCC's system is hierarchical; it includes four levels that build in terms of specificity: A Level 1 classification is the most general. It is a four-digit code in which the first integer in the code is assigned one of eight numbers: 1000 = Urban and Built Up class; 2000 = Agricultural; 3000 = Rangeland; 4000 = Upland Forests; 5000 = Water; 6000 = Wetlands; 7000 = Barren Land; and 8000 = Transportation, Communications, and Utilities. The second integer (and each successive integer) provides a sub classification of a higher specificity. For example, 2100 (Level II) class is Crop and Pasture Land, a subtype of the 2000 Agricultural class; 2150 (Level III) : Field Crops is a specific subtype of the 2100 Crop and Pasture Land subtype. Further, 2153 (Level IV) is a specific subtype of the 2150 class. Very few level 4 classifications have been chosen. This is so because discernment of the keys to classification for these classes typically require imagery of a higher resolution than our source imagery. The Level 4 designation is indicated in either the Land Use Code or Secondary Code Fields of the attribute table. A few classification types were added to accommodate needs that were specific to the water management districts.